Explore Judaism: Summer Day Trips and Workshops
Day Trips
Explore Judaism with a tour round Jewish London including an in-depth guided tour of a large synagogue, Jewish life, Jewish shops and lunch in a kosher restaurant.
We’ll meet you either at a tube station or off the coach depending on what’s best for you, and take you on an informative, stimulating and fun day out.
Cost : £30 per child (teachers free)
School Day Workshops
Kosher and Jewish Food Laws
The 10 commandments and the other 603
These sessions explore in an imaginative way the food rules and regulations governing the Jewish people, the blessings we say and where to find some of these foods, including going outside if possible.
We’ll provide food and drink and various creative tools to examine and learn about the Jewish Community and Living Judaism for all key stages.
Half day (up to 4 periods) £269 including classroom materials
Full day £395 including classroom materials
London schools – double period £195 including classroom materials
Please do contact us if you’d like any other information. We always tailor our sessions to meet your individual needs. You can book online at www.explorejudaismuk.co.uk or call me on 07904 327263.
With kind regards,
Sara Leviten
Lead Educator
Bath YFC
Phone Numbers: 07795435591 / 01225 336055
Address: Bath YFC, c/o Hay Hill Baptist Church, Fountain Buildings, Bath, BA1 5DU
Website: http://www.bathyfc.co.uk/
What they do:
Bath YFC is a Christian faith based organisation and as such we represent a wide variety of Christian churches and denominations. We aim to be a genuine reliable and dependable resource to secondary schools in the area, working with the school to support and serve them according to their needs.
· We have experience of delivering, lunchtime activities, lessons and assemblies
· As a faith-based organisation we can support the delivery of the RE and Ethics syllabus
Bath Islamic Society
Address: 8 Pierrepont Street, Bath, BA1 1LA.
Email: contact@bathislamicsociety.org
A free visiting service to schools in BANES