SACRE News, Reports and Guidance

WIRE Award

SACRE knows there is lots of fabulous RE being taught across our area. It is delighted to offer the chance for schools to receive the Wire Award to celebrate great RE!

The Wire Award is open to all Primary, Secondary and Special schools. It aims to encourage pupils to learn about diversity in our local area. To achieve it, you are asked to evidence just three things:

1. A teacher in your school attends some RE CPD this academic year – for example, the local Bath and NE Somerset RE Hub (See SACRE newsletter for details)

2. Either – arrange a visit to a place of worship. Or invite in a visitor to speak to a class/school from a worldview that is NOT Christian. The visitor can be a ‘virtual visitor’ – e.g. speaking online!

3. Enter an RE competition (for example Spirited Arts or invite parents to an exhibition of your learning about RE in the school!!

Just three simple steps could enable you to receive the highly coveted Wire Award – presented by a member of SACRE to pupils in your school! A great way to raise the profile of RE

Please contact Rebekah at for more information.


LTLRE Bath Hub

Meetings happen 3 times a year.

Meetings for 2024:

Tuesday 23rd January 2024 (4.00 - 5.15pm) at the Bath Mosque

Tuesday 7th May (4.00 - 5.15pm) will be an online meeting

2023 conference - Friday 28th June Venue TBC

For more information on the Bath Area Hub contact:

Paul Marvin for Primary

Mary Patterson for Secondary


BaNES SACRE produces a newsletter three times per year with lots of information and fantastic resources to use in your classroom.