How to Loan / Return the Resources
Contact Rob Jenkins at to ask about borrowing these items.
The RE resources are available for loan as a complete box of assorted items, one box per religion.
The loan may be arranged by email up to two weeks in advance of loan days.
Please supply the following information:
Name / Name of RE teacher (if different)
Name of School, and address
Telephone number / email address
Religion required – First choice / Second choice
Term required for
The loan period is for two terms eg. September - December, January - April or May - July)
Artefacts must be collected and returned by you to Saltford Primary School. (The office closes at 5pm)
The contents of the returned boxes will be checked and any items missing or damaged (needing replacement) will be charged to the school.
Loans will be made on a strictly first come, first served basis, so pre-booking is to your advantage.
Your opinion of the resources and any suggestions for additions and improvements will be welcomed – please fill in the evaluation form in the box you have loaned. We would also welcome comments on the loan / return procedure. Your patience during this first trial period is appreciated!